What Kind of Gift Do You Give at a Gender Reveal Party? 30 Ideas for 2024

What Kind of Gift Do You Give at a Gender Reveal Party? 30 Ideas for 2024

Did you know that the first gender reveal party was held in 2008 by a blogger named Jenna Karvunidis

Since then, gender reveal parties have become increasingly popular, with expectant parents finding creative ways to share the exciting news with family and friends. 

However, picking the right present for such an occasion can be difficult.  In this blog post, we will look at 30 creative and considerate gift ideas for gender reveal parties in 2024.

What is a Gender Reveal Party?

A gender reveal party is a celebration where expectant parents reveal the gender of their unborn child to family and friends. These parties have gained popularity in recent years, with many couples opting for creative ways to share the exciting news, such as cutting into a cake, releasing balloons, or even using confetti cannons.

30 Gift Ideas For A Gender Reveal Party

You might wish to bring a meaningful gift to the gender reveal celebration to express your enthusiasm and support for the expanding family.  Let’s explore 30 unique gift ideas that are perfect for any gender reveal celebration.

1. Personalized Gift Ideas for All Occasions

Personalized gifts add a special touch to any occasion, and gender reveal parties are no exception. Consider gifting the expectant parents a customized baby blanket, a monogrammed diaper bag, or a personalized picture frame to showcase their new family member.

2. Custom Baby Digital Art

Surprise the parents-to-be with a unique piece of digital art featuring their baby's name, birth date, or even a family portrait. These custom designs can be printed on canvas, mugs, or even t-shirts for a one-of-a-kind keepsake.

3. Custom Baby Watercolor Painting

A hand-painted watercolor of the baby's name, birth stats, or a favorite nursery rhyme makes for a beautiful and sentimental gift. These delicate paintings can be framed and displayed in the baby's room for years to come.

4. Custom Child Portrait and Baby Portraits

Get Your Custom Child Portrait and Baby Portraits Here

Gift the expectant parents a custom portrait of their baby, based on a photo or ultrasound image. These lifelike drawings or paintings capture the precious details of their little one and serve as a cherished memory of this special time.

5. Baby Milestone Blanket

A baby milestone blanket is a fun and practical gift that allows parents to document their baby's growth and development. These blankets often feature monthly milestones and can be used as a backdrop for adorable baby photos.

6. Diaper Cake

Create a "cake" made entirely of diapers, which the new parents will undoubtedly appreciate. Decorate the diaper cake with ribbons, small toys, or even a baby bottle on top for a festive touch.

7. Gender Reveal-Themed Cookies or Cupcakes

Bring a batch of homemade cookies or cupcakes decorated in pink and blue frosting to fit the gender reveal theme. These sweet treats will be a hit with guests and the expectant parents alike.

8. Baby's First Library

Start the baby's library off right with a collection of classic children's books. Choose titles that hold special meaning to you or the parents-to-be, and inscribe a heartfelt message inside the cover of each book.

9. Personalized Baby Outfit

Gift a cute, personalized baby outfit featuring the baby's name, birth year, or a funny saying. These custom onesies or t-shirts make for great photo opportunities and memorable keepsakes.

10. Baby Keepsake Box

A baby keepsake box is a thoughtful gift that allows parents to store and cherish their baby's first memories, such as hospital bracelets, a lock of hair, or their first pair of shoes. Look for a box that can be personalized with the baby's name and birth date.

11. Personalized Baby Blanket

A soft, cozy blanket personalized with the baby's name or initials is a practical and thoughtful gift that the new parents will cherish. Choose a blanket made from high-quality, hypoallergenic materials to ensure the baby's comfort and safety.

12. Baby's First Piggy Bank

Encourage the little one's financial future with a cute piggy bank. You can find piggy banks in various designs and colors, or even have one customized with the baby's name or birth date.

13. Baby Handprint or Footprint Kit

A baby handprint or footprint kit allows parents to create a lasting memory of their baby's tiny hands and feet. These kits often include non-toxic clay or ink pads and can be displayed in a frame or kept as a sentimental keepsake.

14. Personalized Baby Towel

Gift a soft, absorbent baby towel embroidered with the baby's name or initials. This practical gift will be used daily and serves as a constant reminder of your thoughtfulness.

15. Baby Carrier or Sling

A baby carrier or sling is an essential item for new parents, allowing them to keep their baby close while keeping their hands free. Look for a carrier that is comfortable, adjustable, and suitable for the baby's age and weight.

16. Baby Bouncer or Swing

A baby bouncer or swing can provide a safe and comfortable place for the baby to rest or play, giving parents a much-needed break. Choose a model with various features, such as music, vibration, or adjustable speeds.

17. Baby Monitor

A reliable baby monitor is a must-have for any new parent. Gift a monitor with clear video and audio, night vision, and remote access capabilities to give the parents peace of mind and the ability to check on their little one from anywhere.

18. Baby Grooming Kit

A baby grooming kit containing essential items like a soft-bristled brush, comb, nail clippers, and thermometer is a practical gift that new parents will appreciate. Look for a kit with high-quality, baby-safe products.

19. Baby Memory Book or Journal

A baby memory book or journal allows parents to document their child's milestones, memories, and growth. Choose a book with prompts and spaces for photos, or opt for a blank journal where parents can freely express their thoughts and experiences.

20. Baby Teething Toys

Teething can be a challenging time for both babies and parents. Gift a set of safe, BPA-free teething toys to help soothe the baby's sore gums and provide relief during this difficult stage.

21. Personalized Baby Book

A personalized baby book featuring the child's name and birth details is a thoughtful gift that will be treasured for years to come. These books often include spaces for photos, milestones, and special memories, allowing parents to create a unique keepsake of their baby's early years.

22. Baby Sensory Toys

Baby sensory toys are designed to stimulate a baby's senses and encourage cognitive development. Gift a set of toys with various textures, colors, and sounds to help the baby explore and learn about the world around them.

23. Baby Feeding Set

A baby feeding set containing essentials like bottles, bibs, and utensils is a practical gift that new parents will appreciate. Look for sets made from safe, durable materials that are easy to clean and sterilize.

24. Baby Bath Time Gift Set

Create a bathtime gift set with items like a soft hooded towel, gentle baby shampoo, and bath toys. This thoughtful gift will make bath time a fun and enjoyable experience for both the baby and the parents.

25. Baby Nursery Decor

Contribute to the baby's nursery decor with a cute wall art print, a soft throw pillow, or a cozy area rug. Choose items that complement the nursery's theme or color scheme for a cohesive look.

26. Baby Travel Essentials

For parents who love to travel, a set of baby travel essentials can be a lifesaver. Gift items like a portable changing pad, a compact stroller, or a travel-sized baby care kit to make trips with the little one more manageable.

27. Baby Milestone Stickers

Baby milestone stickers are a fun way for parents to document their baby's growth and development. Gift a set of stickers featuring monthly milestones or special occasions, which can be used to create adorable baby photos.

28. Baby Clothing Subscription Box

Surprise the parents with a baby clothing subscription box that delivers a curated selection of stylish, age-appropriate outfits right to their doorstep. This gift is giving long after the gender reveal party and ensures the baby always has fashionable, well-fitting clothes.

29. Baby Skincare Gift Set

A baby skincare gift set containing gentle, natural products like lotion, diaper rash cream, and baby oil is a practical and thoughtful gift. Look for products that are free from harsh chemicals and suitable for sensitive baby skin.

30. Contribution to Baby's Education Fund

Consider contributing to the baby's education fund as a meaningful, long-term gift. This gesture shows that you care about the child's future and want to support their growth and development beyond the gender reveal celebration.


What Not to Bring as a Gift to a Gender Reveal Party?

Avoid bringing gifts that are too gender-specific, such as clothing or toys that are exclusively pink or blue. It's best to stick with neutral colors or items that can be used regardless of the baby's gender. Additionally, steer clear of gifts that may be inappropriate or offensive.

Do you have to bring a present to a gender reveal party?

While it's not mandatory to bring a gift to a gender reveal party, it is a thoughtful gesture to celebrate the upcoming arrival of the baby. If you're unsure whether gifts are expected, you can always check with the hosts or look for any gift-related information on the invitation.

What do you wear to a gender reveal?

The dress code for a gender reveal party can vary depending on the location and theme of the event. However, in most cases, casual or semi-casual attire is appropriate. If the invitation specifies a color scheme or theme, you may want to choose an outfit that complements those guidelines.

Celebrate the Precious Moments with Memorialize Art

Choosing the perfect gift for a gender reveal party is just one way to show your love and support for the growing family. As you celebrate this exciting milestone, consider preserving precious memories with the help of Memorialize Art.

At Memorialize Art, we specialize in creating personalized memorial art that captures the essence of life's most cherished moments. From custom baby portraits to unique keepsakes, our talented artists can help you create a one-of-a-kind gift that will be treasured for generations. 

Visit our website today to explore our wide range of personalized art options and let us help you celebrate the beauty of new life in a truly special way.