6 Fun and Creative Family Portrait Painting Ideas

The sight of cherished family members in a photograph brings back fond recollections of moments spent together. As a result, having family photos enlarged and framed as wall portrait paintings to be displayed for guests and future generations to enjoy is becoming increasingly common. Here are six family portrait painting ideas to help you capture the essence of your family in a painting.

Photo from Pexels by Mikhail Nilov
Why Do You Get a Family Portrait Painting?

Helps Kids Understand Belongingness
Placing a family photo in a frame and displaying it on the wall is a simple way to be reminded of the importance of home and loved ones.
Recreates a Memory
A portrait that is beautifully painted can be a wonderful way to honor a much loved member of the family. Having a portrait of the family can bring back fond memories and spread a sense of unity among the members of the household.
Show close bond
These portraits illustrate how closely your family is knit together. Whatever obstacles may stand in their way, this kind of art reflects the members' connection and strength.
Teaches children family values
Portraits are a great way to connect family photos with people and keep those connections alive. This kind of art gives your family healthy values of togetherness and family pride.
Family Portrait Painting Ideas

Order Your Family Portrait Here
Include the Family Pet
Since there are a lot of people who think of their pets as members of the family, and since there has been a recent uptick in the popularity of pet portraits, including the furry companions in the family portrait is an excellent idea.
Portray a Different Decade
Vintage clothing will always be stylish. If you're unsure of what to wear, look at old family photos for ideas, then visit a local thrift store to see what you can find. It's also helpful if you have a trunk full of clothes that belonged to your parents or when you were a teenager. You can always choose a different decade's fashion if the look of the 1950s is too much for you.
High Vantage Point
Taking a portrait of your family from a high vantage point is an easy method to come up with new concepts for family portraits. You could set up a picnic in the backyard and then bring in a ladder to take a photograph of your family from a higher vantage point to create a cute portrait to display on the fridge.
Take the stairs
You may try shooting the family while they are on the stairs. It will be much simpler to get everyone in the image if you arrange them in levels rather than forcing them to sit or kneel. This will eliminate the necessity for those actions. If you are able to shoot on the steps of a residential home, this makes for an attractive background as well.
Pillow Fight
Family photos don't always have to be taken in your Sunday best. You can wear your pajamas and get ready for a pillow fight instead. This creative idea for a photo shoot is sure to make everyone smile and laugh, which will make your photos stand out.
Sunset silhouettes are a great idea for a family photoshoot that takes place outside. Wait until just before the sun goes down if you want to get a great silhouette of each person. This is especially true if you already plan to take family photos on the beach.
What Makes a Great Portrait?
A good portrait is made up of five main components: the setting, the lighting, the composition, the feeling, and the technical settings. When these five parts come together well, they make a great portrait. If any of these things are missing, the portrait isn't as good as it could be.
What Makes a Great Portrait Painting?
An excellent portrait painting will convey more than simply a person's appearance. It will also convey information about that person's personality.
How Should Beginners Paint Portraits?
Create a rough outline, focusing on the eyes and expanding out from there. A common technique among portrait artists is to draw the image first, then cover it with a light coating of acrylic paint thinned with transparent medium, and then let it dry. You can use a projector to trace an image if you'd rather not sketch freehand.
Which Colour is Best for Portrait Painting?
If you want to add colors suitable for portrait painting to your palette, you should consider, but are not limited to, the following options:
- Ivory Black
- Mixing White
- Cadmium Yellow Light
- Diarylide Yellow
- Cadmium Orange
- Cadmium Red
- Pyrrole Red
- Quinacridone Magenta
- Raw Sienna
- Davy’s Gray
- Cerulean Blue
- Cobalt Turquoise
- Buff Titanium
- Naples Yellow
- Mars Colors
If you want to see if the aforementioned ideas for family portraits are actually enjoyable and creative, the skilled artists at Memorialized Art are qualified and experienced enough to create a great family portrait painting that will bring your walls to life.
Check out our collection to see a variety of portraits that can be customized for your family.